The ability to timely and accurately predict the age of natural menopause is crucial in family planning and ensuring lifelong health and wellness for women worldwide. As the age of childbirth is moved back, being informed is more important than ever.
Ending the insecurity and uncertainty.
When discussing female hormonal aging, menopause is commonly mentioned, but it only refers to the point when ovulation stops.
Perimenopause, on the other hand, describes the often long and challenging period leading up to menopause, characterized by significant hormonal fluctuations.
This phase can last anywhere between 2-7 years and presents considerable challenges for women.
Estrogen, in particular, plays a crucial role in brain health. During perimenopause, when estrogen levels are low, women may experience fogginess and forgetfulness.
As estrogen continues to decline, neurons and brains slow down, leading to accelerated aging and cognitive and health decline over time.